The Nightmare Of Being With The Wrong Filipina (Part 5 of 5)

The Filipina Bride Nightmare

One of the great things about Jean was that she is a good listener.

So once a week when she came online, I poured my heart out to her about all my ordeals and she never once judged me or commented to me about anything.

All she did was listen. In her, I found a good friend to talk to. We didn’t talk about love or feelings between us. Frankly after the hellish nightmares that Gidget put me through, I was a little scared of Filipinas.

Now and again Gidget still paid me visits and she exhibited all the signs of concern for my welfare, before she left to go to Dubai for work. Later, I found out that her real motive was to spy on my emails and my chat logs. That was when she found out that I had a friend in Jean.

What she did was copy Jean’s email address and then sent a really nasty letter about me.

Jean asked me how she got her email address and she also asked me if what Gidget said about me was true. I told Jean how Gidget might have found her email address on my PC when it was unattended. I had gotten tired of trying to defend my integrity whenever Gidget backstabbed me to those around me, so I told Jean it’s up to her whether she believes what Gidget emailed her or not.

I don’t speak Tagalog and I’m a foreigner. So when you keep hearing things like “We are Kababayan and we should stick together regardless of what.”, you have a sense of helplessness regardless of what your moral stand is.

The gist of the email?

Well as usual, what Gidget talks about was “We are both Babae (women folk) and we should stick together. After all we are Kakabayan (Countrymen)”.Who did Gidget think Jean was? An uneducated moron? Jean never even bothered to reply to her as she didn’t know Gidget and I think she also saw the true motive behind Gidget’s email.

What Gidget did do was to pretend to show concern about Jean’s welfare and tried to forewarn Jean that I had no work and no money. She was hoping that Jean will stop being my friend.

Perhaps Gidget thought Jean was “Plastic”. The term “plastic” is used to signify a person as being a hypocrite in the Philippines. The end motive was when I am totally alone; I would crawl back and beg Gidget to come back into my life.

As I look back, I realised that her mentality was probably the result of being a GRO and being in an environment where money rules everything. Maybe, having all those rich men who wanted to sleep with her, had probably corrupted her way of thinking...I don’t know. Only Gidget herself knows what she is really thinking inside her mind.

I gave up trying to find a justifiable reason why she did and said the many things she did. You just can’t tie them to any universal moral or principle in life.

Many times we heard stories why people had to resort to selling their bodies, but in Gidget’s case, she really didn’t have too, I knew she had choices. The only reason that I can come up with, after going through hell with her, was just a monetary one.

But if you truly love someone, should money be the main factor that decides happiness in life?

The problem for Gidget was I never had any motive towards Jean. She was just a friend who gave me comfort online when I was alone on my birthday and Xmas. During this time, I felt a deep sense of bitterness about life with Gidget. I had given up everything in my own country to come to the Philippines based on the words of a woman that I loved.

The woman who promised to be with me through thick and thin, then dumped me when I was really sick with pneumonia to be with family, relatives and friends, to be merry. And I had always been there for her when she was down. On the flip side, I took this as one of the signs that life with this woman is going to be a lottery.

You sort of sense that your life with this person will have a turbulent ending instead of a peaceful one towards the final moments of your natural life here on earth. And we will all reach that point regardless.

The email created a whole new dimension on things. It solidified more in my mind that this particular person is malicious.

If the whole situation was different, I don’t know what I would make of it. It was because of that particular incident that Jean and I became closer as friends. We still didn’t end up as a couple as I was still afraid. You cannot imagine the emotional scars that Gidget inflicted on me to make me the way I am today.

I am still healing and the best part, Jean is helping me. That story, I will leave for the next part of the story in the series.

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