would you be a fried chicken or a fighting cock?

by Albert

Many of modern day people look down on people that are involved in cockfighting, as barbarians or bloodthirsty maniacs, even if they don't even know these people.

They judge them without knowing them first. Do they know how hard is it to grow a baby chick from the day it was born to the day it will be fought?

To us it is like fathers watching his son finish college and the birds have an emotional attachment to the breeder we would be surely proud to see it win or become devastated when it loses. To us it's not about the money but the pride of creating a warrior. To create this warrior it took years of hard work and patience. We give them the best care and food and even exercise and give supplements.

Why it is easy for us to eat a chicken than to let other people fight roosters. Do you know how the butchers kill them? Have you been in a slaughter house my friend?

It is much disgusting the chickens get killed without fighting for it's life in a cockpit, the best fighters live and the lesser cock dies it just in nature "It's the battle of the fittest" the winner lives for many years and becomes a broodcock and will father a new generation of superior fighters.

It's like a lion eating a zebra it always happens and why it is legal to sell guns and weapons than a man enjoying cockfights or committing rape or abort a child or to marry a man to a gay man. Enough of this craziness.

In the Philippines cockfighting is a family thing. In my case I’m a third generation cocker and my uncles and cousins are also cockers and yet we are Christians and go to church and we don’t do harm to other people We respect older people and yet we respect God above all and we even pray before we go to the cockpit to ask for a victory for our cocks.

In American shows people make joke about Jesus and to me it sucks and yet you have guts to tell us that we are the bad guys, are you serious bro or are you overdosed on prescription drugs and listen to this cockers we go to heaven and its guaranteed cause in the 10 commandments there is no such thing as don't fight any animals and even God gave Adam the dominion over the animals. A broiler only lives for 45 days or less and a fighting cock lives for 2 to 10 years on average which one are you?

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Apr 07, 2014
did it my way
by: Anonymous

often in the fights, the winner also takes the losing bird and eat it nothing is wasted. the losing bird was a pampered bird. he did it his way.

Mar 31, 2014
eating the fighting cock
by: ?Anonymous

its a perfectly edible food. Why waste it. if its your pet rooster cock , why not?. is the winning cock better tasting than the losing one? If the loser is yours, one can understand not eating your own losing pet or any pet of yours. if its the opponents who lost it is the owner and you won it then its a prize, why not eat it as well?

Mar 31, 2014
nothing is wasted
by: Anonymous

cockfighting in the Philippines has been there since Spanish times and will be there as long as the rooster lives. the fighting rooster lives for many years after winning and lives to fight. its instinct. people do not have to push them to fight. two roosters loose in the woods will fight if they encounter each other I would rather have roosters than dogs do the fighting. at least you can eat the rooster that lost the fight. its better than bullfighting...the bull has no chance at all.

Mar 22, 2014
it is the owners choice
by: Anonymous

what you do to your property is your business. no one can tell you what to do with what is your own. yet you should also be responsible and ethical

Feb 22, 2012
good on u mate
by: yvemarie

hi..after reading your post...thinking all those other issues happening in the world including the wild animals..u have a 100% good points on saying what u feel about the sport:

cock fighting:..many thinks its gross, primitive or an uncivilized way of handling roosters, but knowing what is happening in the world and you saying abut how people deal with the word Christianity..its like they are the ones who are hypocritical.

People kill animals in different ways of slaughtering them. Then sell them, then people buy them and cook them and eat them...yup..they don't have to criticize or say things abt rooster or cock fighting sports.

Even in Spain, bull fighting has been decades of sport over there. During the Rome years, they do the people/ animal fighting, they were called gladiators.

Yup, the pride of breeding a strong fighter is something of a joyous moment in life.

Like the sport Boxing: you train a boxer to become a good strong athlete. Win or lose one day or another both opponent will have injury and sometimes go beyond serious injury not only boxing, all sports have all these injury moments in their life.

So people who think cock fighting is gross, violent and against animal cruelty, I disagree, because if you really go to different houses with animals being kept in cages, not fed well, then collect and collect pets but cannot take care of them then they just throw them away in rivers, or in bushland/forest?

Of course there are also many households who make good pet owners, but i am just saying those who
are not qualified animal owners.

Anyway hope people just comment on issues that are really important on a daily life that can make the world a better place to live..

Feb 20, 2012
by: Ctrylwyr

What you say is true and are all good points. What is one man's sport is another man's abomnation. How one judges depends on where he sits. I've been wondering though; do they eat the losing cocks?

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